I began my cloth diapering adventure over 5 years ago with my first daughter. I was a new mom. Horribly new. New to everything. I knew the whole while I was pregnant I wanted to cloth diaper. It just "made sense" to me. Because really, when you think about it all... it should make sense to every one. Anyhow, our circumstances were a bit unusual. She was born weeks before my husbands active duty in the military was up. We were moving back home to a civilian life with a newborn. I knew cloth diapers wouldnt be good while we were bouncing around from place to place. We were homeless on her 3rd week of life. Checked out of base housing. We rented a little cabana on Onslow Beach, MCB Camp LeJeune for the final week, and from there we "U-hauled it home" When we got "home" we lived in my MILs apartment, it was just a lot and cloth diapers would have been a major inconvenience.
I never thought to research it, because really, what was there to know? Cloth diaper. Cotton butt. Its all the same right? (Im glad I didnt research it prior because I would have been soo overwhelmed) I had it in my head when we were in our own place, I was going to hire a diaper service. To pick up, wash, and deliver. Easy as cake.
When baby Taylor was finally 3 months old, we were in our own apartment. Cramped in like sardines, but we were happy.... and in love. ;) I got online, friendly google search and sought out that diaper service I had penciled into my mind. I found one that serviced our area, but when I looked at the cost I was floored. It was the same as disposables would have been. And yes I wanted the benefits of the cloth, so I would have still had that but I wanted to save money too!
It was then I began searching. Online retailers was about it. There was no local place I could just go "pick them up" I went to Babys R Us 30 miles away. Bought some gerber prefolds, (burp cloths literally) and some cheap rubber pants. Even pins. I bought pins. In 2005. Because I knew nothing.
Finally I had to break down and order stuff. I found a great little business, which was ran from someones home at the time. Baby Cotton Bottoms. I ordered a sampler pack. Some prefolds, a snappi, a few AIOs, 2 pocket diapers, just the whole variety. Finding websites and blogs opened so many doors. I had a really generic sling. I was suddenly in a new world, a world of wonderful cloth diapers, baby carriers. I discovered that my parenting technique had a name. People in the world actually took care of their babies the way I had been taking care of mine. I wasn't alone. I wasnt the crazy weird lady like everyone thought I was. I was validated. I was enlightened.
Attachment Parenting. I fit somewhere. It felt really good. Because for 3 months I had just been doing what I "felt" I should do. We nursed. I akwardly tried to use a carrier, a snugli I bought for 20 bucks and a nojo sling that I could never figure out because I used the "shoulder pad" as a pillow for the baby's head. No wonder. It all makes sense now.
The information was out there.
And even then I stumbled acrossed different natural menstrual products. Never not ever.
I was grossed out at the thought of them. I mean, diapers was one thing, blood was another. And the things that come out of my baby's body are far less disgusting than my own.
Diva cup. Moon cup. Luna pads. You've got to be kidding. Who and where are these people?
And now the joke is on me.
Because again, if I just look.... the information is out there.
A box of bleached tampons is so common and mainstream, we throw them into our shopping carts and call it good. Without question. Any modern natural alternative is "gross."
Its okay to use chemically treated, toxic cotton IN our bodies? To absorb. We all know of TSS, Toxic Shock Syndrome. Its like on every box of tampons made. For good reason. I read the risks but always thought "eeh" Its like "who does that REALLY happen to?" It happens. And aside from that, the bleaching chemicals that are used release dioxins that are released straight into the body. Cervical cancer anyone? Studies have been done apparently, with no direct result... but why take the chance? Were all so quick to get an overrated gardasil vaccine (never will I), but do we still use tampons? You bet. And why?? Get educated people! Not to mention the environmental impact.The vaginal walls are all tissue, everything absorbed goes straight into the bloodstream. It is such a critical and sensitive area. Seems most women care more about their nails, the curve of their eyebrows, and their hair than their vaginal health.
I for one.
But no more.
Love your Vagina! (seriously, see for yourself! This is a UK site, but I love their boldness in the domain name)
Ive been reading review after review for a long time, considering this. Thinking about it. Trying to reason with my own mind. Trying to shake that cultural "eeew" that is stuck in my head. Trying to break away....
Because the information is out there.
And Im going to keep finding it.
I dont try to "go against" things... but I find that I often do. I just have to do what agrees with me. With my own reason..... and so many things just never felt right...
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