Our area held trick-or-treating last night so it wasn't a school night. We hauled out our Joovy Caboose, our "Chicken" and our ruby red slippered "Dorothy" and off we went! On our way to haunt your house! A friend came with, bringing along his Buzz and Woody, so we had 4 little ones fighting their way through crowds, across streets, up sidewalks, through big kids, right straight to the candy bowl. Our little Chicken was awesome. She walked across yards, up to doors, grabbed her candy, put it in her bucket & was on to the next.
(wait for the Chicken!)
The first house of the night was kind of in a dead zone. We stopped, she walked to the door and they gave her a roll of smarties. She of course needed to eat it right that second. So I set her back in the caboose and sprinkled the smarties on the tray so she could eat them on the way.
A few houses later she had a fit over the tootsie pop they gave her, but after that it wasnt a big deal anymore. It took 4 houses and she realized each place was going to give her candy. More, and more, and more candy! She had it down and we were off and running.
This year was kind of nice, because Dorothy and Buzz Lightyear kind of went a head, they crossed streets by themselves and that way our slow Chicken and Woody only had to do every other house. It worked well because the big kids could crank our 2 or 3 houses in the time it took the little ones to do one. Between the adults, I was kind of with the stroller watching the big 2 while the Dads took the little ones up to the doors. This independence thing is really kind of nice!
I would love to post some pictures, but the fileserver is inaccessible right now. Im on the laptop and of course I cant get it to work, and my husband... well this is his area of expertise, and he just kind of looked at it, said that was weird and then walked off. So there ya go. Im a victim of technology today. Its his stuff. Hes the master of all electronicals. The master of all cords, all outlets and all powerstrips. The stuff only ever obeys him...
Im screwed.
*15 minutes later...*
HA! Im not! Here are some photos!
(how about those pink socks? It was cold, we layered up.)
And then? Pumpkin guts anyone?
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