
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Always up to something.

So the little gnomes featured in the post below. Im going to take a stab at them.

I ordered the unfinished wooden people, now the painting and the hats I will have to do myself. Which means again I get slapped in the face by the reality that I can't sew. Seriously. Yeah, theres local sewing classes all over. Yes. Yes. I have a sewing machine, but seriously, I dont even know how to thread it.

They're small hats. I could hand stitch them easy enough.... but that will get to be alot. *Argh*

Again, Im going to try to figure it out.

And the nativity, I ordered it. Ordered it from the website yesterday and it arrived on my door this afternoon!
Of course they stuffed a nice little catalog in there and now I see a whole lot more to love!

Is this just not the most precious thing!?

I totally need to get over it. I'm aware. I just LOVE these guys!!!

Now Im being forced off the computer, gotta go watch Back to the Future! My husband has had ENOUGH of my deal with the Little People.

1 comment:

  1. These are cute!! I bet they will be fun to make too!
    So glad you like your phone cozy's! I knew that the brown/red one would be smaller, I think it was the first one I made... I don't have any more of the contrast fabric, or I would make one just like it for you. I'm not sure when I'll see a fabric store, but I think it would be fun to mix and match some more ~ Will you please let me know what kind of phone you have so I can put that on my etsy.
    Do you think my fleece is thick enough? It's thinner then some,
    (It's diaper making fleece) :O)

    Please don't let you phone get stuck , I'd feel bad if you lost a call !!!
    Thanks for letting me know!! Kim
