
Sunday, October 31, 2010

LaZy Day

So today consisted of football blaring from the television, and hours of full body contact with the couch. One child laid with me, the other played with playdoh at the kitchen table, it was pure bliss. I even got to lay my head on hubby's lap and fall asleep for an afternoon nap. I can't tell you the last time I got to lay in his lap and snuggle. :) It was a very cozy place to be.

Our area held trick-or-treating last night so it wasn't a school night. We hauled out our Joovy Caboose, our "Chicken" and our ruby red slippered "Dorothy" and off we went! On our way to haunt your house! A friend came with, bringing along his Buzz and Woody, so we had 4 little ones fighting their way through crowds, across streets, up sidewalks, through big kids, right straight to the candy bowl. Our little Chicken was awesome. She walked across yards, up to doors, grabbed her candy, put it in her bucket & was on to the next.

(wait for the Chicken!)

The first house of the night was kind of in a dead zone. We stopped, she walked to the door and they gave her a roll of smarties. She of course needed to eat it right that second. So I set her back in the caboose and sprinkled the smarties on the tray so she could eat them on the way.

A few houses later she had a fit over the tootsie pop they gave her, but after that it wasnt a big deal anymore. It took 4 houses and she realized each place was going to give her candy. More, and more, and more candy! She had it down and we were off and running.

This year was kind of nice, because Dorothy and Buzz Lightyear kind of went a head, they crossed streets by themselves and that way our slow Chicken and Woody only had to do every other house. It worked well because the big kids could crank our 2 or 3 houses in the time it took the little ones to do one. Between the adults, I was kind of with the stroller watching the big 2 while the Dads took the little ones up to the doors. This independence thing is really kind of nice!

I would love to post some pictures, but the fileserver is inaccessible right now. Im on the laptop and of course I cant get it to work, and my husband... well this is his area of expertise, and he just kind of looked at it, said that was weird and then walked off. So there ya go. Im a victim of technology today. Its his stuff. Hes the master of all electronicals. The master of all cords, all outlets and all powerstrips. The stuff only ever obeys him...

Im screwed.

*15 minutes later...*

HA! Im not! Here are some photos!

(how about those pink socks? It was cold, we layered up.)

And then? Pumpkin guts anyone?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A moment of silence...

So Im done.

I shut down the other blog. Shut down. Down. Down.

No one can get to it. Not even me.

Im almost teary about it....

What the heck for? Right?

And with this blog... is there anyway to delete a post? Or "unpublish" it so that I can still have it even though it isnt public? And how about archiving it??

This one will be made known to people in no time.

Ive looked through my traffic and linking urls and it looks like someone did a search for my family's names. "T, C, A, L" all spelled out.

Well whoever you are, welcome. Thank you for seeking me out via search engine instead of just asking me.

Mind shooting me an email? If it was "you" I guess you could tell me so & I woulnt have to be creeped out.....

Friday, October 29, 2010

Prancing about~

Taylor is in school.

I just trekked through the whole grocery store like a mad mom on a mission with my baby on my back. She was as happy as could be. I got everything I needed, zigging and zagging, from the front to the back, making random circles throughout the store.

Im new to the back carry. Ive used ring slings and the moby, but have only ever done it with baby in front.

Its tricker to get her back there, but she works with me really well. She knows the routine.

So we danced and we pranced, from the dairy aisle, through the bread aisle, around the canned goods, back to the dairy, over to meat, and down to produce,  moving along with a bounce in my step and a smile on my face.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Enchantment of Everyday Life.

She opens her eyes each morning, with a scowl on her face.
She winces away as I flick the switch and the light pops on.
Moaning and groaning, she turns to face the wall, burying her face against her fluffy hot pink comforter.
After making the presence of morning known, I creep out without ever saying a word.

Mornings are not her forte'. She gets that from me.

She is eager to play, she loves to dance.
She opens her closet and chooses what shes going to put on.

Frilly skirt. Check. Leggings check. Legwarmers? Sure. A tutu? It can work.
All of it.
Decked out. In the fanciest things. From her ruby red slippers to the crown atop her head.
She prances around, a bounce in her step and an awful high pitched song comes flowing from her mouth.
On the average day she is much like Phoebe from the show Friends.
Singing songs that make your ears ring, with lyrics much like those of "Smelly Cat"
I can hear it in my head everytime she makes up a song "Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, its not your fault!"

She jams on her guitar like its no ones business. (Lucky for me, those cheap strings never hold a tune)
Shes never bothered. She owns it. Shes proud. It makes my heart swell.

She can squeal a recorder better than anyone I've ever met. (she might get that from me too)
And pounding keys on the keyboard? Its as if she were hastily slapping finger paint around on a blank sheet of paper.

Decked out from crown to ruby reds, her wand is in hand.

Always at the ready.

Ready to cast magic, the same magic she casts everyday.
The magic she has casted on this house, on our family, on my heart.

This is the enchantment of everyday life.

My bank and my phone. & 2 shall become 1.

I had some fun fall photos to share.... theyre still on the camera. They would have been perfect for a "Wordless Wednesday" but no such luck. I guess Im just one for many words. (truth)

My husband has a website, he kind of does a wordpress blog on his own site. Its kinda cool. He writes about technology. See, hes is a technology obsessed freak. Gadgety to the max. So is his sister. And even his Grandpa a little bit. Just little gadgets that do useless tricks amuse him to no end.

Technology is huge. I really am not one for change. I like things Im familiar with, I think to an extent all people are somewhat this way. I am probably moreso than some.

I wrote checks and and put snail mail stamps on them until just a few months ago.

Over this past year my life has changed drastically. The way I have done things, the way Ive gone about business has just been huge. And its all because I made technological advances. Upgrades.

Im impressed. With the technology, but also with myself!

Personal advances in 2010:

We switched to a bank that is online only. No physical locations. Everything is done online and over the phone. I always banked at the friendly little corner bank prior. I would walk there, ride my bike there, walk in &conduct transactions at the counter. It was hard to make his jump, but Im so glad I did. It has simplified my life to no end. I've received the best customer service ever.

My phone
Samsung Epic, L.O.V.E.

I love the cell phone concept, Im not that ancient. We havent had a land line in 7 years, its been just our cells. Ive always wanted to have a phone where my numbers were first and foremost. Its a phone. Calling people should be its primary function, therefore my numbers keypad needed to be front and center. My husband got the Epic. He needed something for work that would give him more web freedom as well as manage his email easier. He upgraded. I fell in love with his phone, I followed.

Combine the 2. Phone and Banking
O.M.G. This is like revolutionary breakthrough.
We use one primary checking account, we run the debit card like its going out style. Very rarely do we carry cash. I do debits, he does debits, it all hits the same account. The book usually stayed in my purse as thats where it fit. Hed come home and either enter the receipts himself, or have to report them to me, OR better yet Id have to get them off the bank website days later because he'd forget to even let me know he'd done a debit. Sometimes he'd remember he did one, but then Id get this, "Oh hey, I stopped at autozone on the way home but I don't remember how much it was..." Niice. Thanks honey.

It was just too many steps. Too inconvenient.

Now, we get to experience pure "appiness" because we have an app called "Clear Checkbook" Its amazing. We have one username/pass, were both always logged in on our phones and its safe because its not linked to any real account, just our ledger. So I pull it up, enter my amount, he enters his, and we can both see whats going on at all times. It just keeps the balance for us.

In addition to this, my online bank has an app for our phone which works nice too, its protected with a pin, so someone who picks up my phone can't get in. It works so smooth. I paid my bills this morning from my phone.

And on top of this. I can use my phone to deposit checks. I take a picture of the front and back of the check, enter the amount and submit it and viola! My money is there. Like now. Then I just write void on the actual copy of the check and get rid of it.

Its so easy!

I wonder what it'll be next.....

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where do I find the time?

So the kids are in bed. Hubby is watching a movie that just doesnt speak to me. And Im back.

Im hoping to participate in "Wordless Wednesday" tomorrow, so I guess its good to get it all out today! hahah

Blog-a-holic? Im not. I swear Im not. lol Im just really into this blog. Its new and fresh. It feels like Ive stepped into a rejuvenation machine. Free.

Im still at a loss of how to handle my old blog. It on the xanga platform. Im going to have to shut. it. down. But then I can never sign in again, it will be gone. The username will never be available again. Im okay with that I think.... but theres so much history its almost painful. Why?

I need this change. I need it for me. And it shouldnt be such a big deal right? Its a blog. Just a blog. Except... its me. Its more who I was than who I am.... if that makes any sense.

If I could make all of the posts disappear from the public and keep the page up I would... but thats more work than Im willing to deal with.

The plan is to shut down. Move forward.

And I only feel like I can do that when Im really settled in here....

Anyway. I love Etsy. L.O.V.E.

And tonight I stumbled across this!! This woman is phenomenal and I am in love!!! Totally putting this on my Christmas list!! :)

The information is out there.

I began my cloth diapering adventure over 5 years ago with my first daughter. I was a new mom. Horribly new. New to everything. I knew the whole while I was pregnant I wanted to cloth diaper. It just "made sense" to me. Because really, when you think about it all... it should make sense to every one. Anyhow, our circumstances were a bit unusual.  She was born weeks before my husbands active duty in the military was up. We were moving back home to a civilian life with a newborn. I knew cloth diapers wouldnt be good while we were bouncing around from place to place. We were homeless on her 3rd week of life. Checked out of base housing. We rented a little cabana on Onslow Beach, MCB Camp LeJeune for the final week, and from there we "U-hauled it home" When we got "home" we lived in my MILs apartment, it was just a lot and cloth diapers would have been a major inconvenience.

I never thought to research it, because really, what was there to know? Cloth diaper. Cotton butt. Its all the same right? (Im glad I didnt research it prior because I would have been soo overwhelmed) I had it in my head when we were in our own place, I was going to hire a diaper service. To pick up, wash, and deliver. Easy as cake.

When baby Taylor was finally 3 months old, we were in our own apartment. Cramped in like sardines, but we were happy.... and in love. ;) I got online, friendly google search and sought out that diaper service I had penciled into my mind. I found one that serviced our area, but when I looked at the cost I was floored. It was the same as disposables would have been. And yes I wanted the benefits of the cloth, so I would have still had that but I wanted to save money too!

It was then I began searching. Online retailers was about it. There was no local place I could just go "pick them up" I went to Babys R Us 30 miles away. Bought some gerber prefolds, (burp cloths literally) and some cheap rubber pants. Even pins. I bought pins. In 2005. Because I knew nothing.

Finally I had to break down and order stuff. I found a great little business, which was ran from someones home at the time. Baby Cotton Bottoms. I ordered a sampler pack. Some prefolds, a snappi, a few AIOs, 2 pocket diapers, just the whole variety. Finding websites and blogs opened so many doors. I had a really generic sling. I was suddenly in a new world, a world of wonderful cloth diapers, baby carriers. I discovered that my parenting technique had a name. People in the world actually took care of their babies the way I had been taking care of mine. I wasn't alone. I wasnt the crazy weird lady like everyone thought I was. I was validated. I was enlightened.

Attachment Parenting. I fit somewhere. It felt really good. Because for 3 months I had just been doing what I "felt" I should do. We nursed. I akwardly tried to use a carrier, a snugli I bought for 20 bucks and a nojo sling that I could never figure out because I used the "shoulder pad" as a pillow for the baby's head. No wonder. It all makes sense now.

The information was out there.

And even then I stumbled acrossed different natural menstrual products. Never not ever.

I was grossed out at the thought of them. I mean, diapers was one thing, blood was another. And the things that come out of my baby's body are far less disgusting than my own.

Diva cup. Moon cup. Luna pads. You've got to be kidding. Who and where are these people?

And now the joke is on me.

Because again, if I just look.... the information is out there.

A box of bleached tampons is so common and mainstream, we throw them into our shopping carts and call it good. Without question. Any modern natural alternative is "gross."

Its okay to use chemically treated, toxic cotton IN our bodies? To absorb. We all know of TSS, Toxic Shock Syndrome. Its like on every box of tampons made. For good reason. I read the risks but always thought "eeh" Its like "who does that REALLY happen to?" It happens. And aside from that, the bleaching chemicals that are used release dioxins that are released straight into the body. Cervical cancer anyone? Studies have been done apparently, with no direct result... but why take the chance? Were all so quick to get an overrated gardasil vaccine (never will I), but do we still use tampons? You bet. And why?? Get educated people! Not to mention the environmental impact.The vaginal walls are all tissue, everything absorbed goes straight into the bloodstream. It is such a critical and sensitive area. Seems most women care more about their nails, the curve of their eyebrows, and their hair than their vaginal health.

I for one.

But no more.

Love your Vagina! (seriously, see for yourself! This is a UK site, but I love their boldness in the domain name)

Ive been reading review after review for a long time, considering this. Thinking about it. Trying to reason with my own mind. Trying to shake that cultural "eeew" that is stuck in my head. Trying to break away....

Because the information is out there.

And Im going to keep finding it.

I dont try to "go against" things... but I find that I often do. I just have to do what agrees with me. With my own reason..... and so many things just never felt right...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog again.

So Im back again, its been a week of not really being online. I had family here visiting from Minnesota. It was a very pleasant visit. We kept quite busy... shopping. I spent way too much money but my family has clothes, so I don't regret it yet.

Im still clicking around, trying to get "settled" in to this blog. Established.

Tonight we had Kindermusik, I brought both of the girls with me. It was nice. Andrew had some quiet time at home to himself. That rarely happens, so hopefully he enjoyed it. A storm is headed this way. Suppose to be quite ugly, with 60mph winds tonight and tomorrow. Im looking forward to it actually, I just don't want it to be too dangerous. I have old trees around here. I dont want limbs blowing every which way, and I'd like to keep my electricity too!!

The girls are doing great. Like always Im amazed how big they are, theyre starting to actually play well together. Carolina is still in to all of Taylor's things, but is more interactive.

I feel like a hormonal loony tonight. I probably am.

I guess I should just face reality and say, "yes. I am"

Im in a bit of a "dont bother me" funk. Everything is annoying. People are annoying.  My phone rings way to much, people text me for stupid reasons.

I missed last weeks LLL meeting. I wanted to go really bad. It would be my first ever.
I read tonight on facebook that the LLL leader in our area is going to be speaking, or facilitating a meeting at our local cloth diaper store.

The cloth diaper store is new. I bought my ergo there 2 weeks ago. It was my first time going in there. I kind of got rubbed the wrong way in the beginning. Over some photo stuff... so I remained on the outside, and it seems every little portal I want to plug into is getting all tied up with the store, with the owner of the store... and today that bothers me.

I don't know why. I just want to be a part of it. I want to belong to something. To have that "network" of moms that I just don't have. I want to go to League. I want to get involved. I would love to someday be a leader or a lactation consultant or something. I think I might look into that. I always knew I would nurse, but I never knew how deeply impacted I would be by it, or how crazily "obsessed" I would be.

I want to be friends with all of these women, I want to go to these things... and I will.

It was my intent to go to the League meeting, I just had family here and it didn't work out. I need to get over my issues.

When the owner of the diaper store opened her business, she emailed me about using a picture I posted on her "fan page" she wanted it on her website.... just wanted me to give it to her. It was of my children. Like here you go. Heres my photography, heres my kids.....  (once again it hurt my whole photography spirit) Like made me feel like.... just nothing. Like the phony with the $1200 camera as mentioned on the previous post.

Then after that I kind of replied that I was flattered.... but that I was uncomfortable. I offered to take some pictures FOR her business, design her some ads, whatever... for hire of course. That was a no go. But in the middle of our emails she posted an event for her business, and used my picture as the picture for the event. But I guess since I decided to SHARE it with her by putting it on her fan page, I gave her permission to use. After that.... I just kind of felt uneasy....

And I don't jump on all of her sales, her activities, her classes, her community events.... and everyone else does.....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This old house.

I love our house. I really do. I never intended to move. I still don't think I really want to. I love it here.

We have one bathroom. Im sure your closet is probably twice our bathroom's size. It is tiny. And its falling apart. The toilet is sinking into the floor, the wax seal is of course leaking. Slowly into the basement and now its pooling up on the bathroom floor. We have an old tub that the finish is wore off of, it never "looks" clean. It never "feels" clean. We scrub scrub but it never gets that look. Its frustrating. The caulk around the edges of the tub needs to be done. Its been leaking into the basement for quite some time.

Tonight Im completely frazzled by all of this... and I took it out on my husband.

Not that he created these problems. But that he didnt do anything to help relieve these problems.

He bought caulk and has been saying "the tub needs to be caulked" for months. He bought a little cutter to peel the old stuff off and... but do you think he'd do it? Nope. But he keeps pointing out, it needs to get done. It stresses ME out. Dont tell me! Just do it already!!! Seriously. I have a lot of worry about, and so does he, but I do my things, I pack cold lunches, I sign school papers, I help Taylor with the zillions of worksheets she brings home, I keep the playroom clean, I do the laundry, theres soo much that his mind never has to even stop to think about, because I just do it. Caulking the tub should be that way as well.

Hes complained about how slow the drain is. He said he saw lots of my hair in the drain. Well if he saw it then, fricken take it out and go on. Nope. Didnt do that either.

And the toilet. It needs to get dealt with. I dont want to make the steps to do it. Im not calling anyone. Im not researching how to replace it. I shouldnt have to!!!!

But hes going to keep whining about the problems, "oh look. It just dripped." And "Oh that toilet really is getting bad, now its pooling up on the floor behind it."

I DO NOT CARE!!! Dont bother my mind. Dont stress me. Dont add this to my list of things to do, or my list of things to worry about. Just do what needs to be done to take care of it. If he cant do it himself. Fine. Make some calls. Get some prices and figure out how to pay for it. Do what needs to be done. Don't make me do it!!!

My mom came home from Disneyworld toay. Im excited for her and my 11 year old brother, but an inkling jealous because I want to go so bad. I tried to go in the spring, we decided to be responsible and pave our driveway instead. Then a few months later I was so bummed we didnt go to Disney, that we went out and bought a boat. So much for being responsible right? I had to have something that was as equally exciting. Now I have the boat, but of course its out of season, and the Disney-goers just came home today, and Im like "I WANT TO GO!" I want to bring my girls there more than anything...

More than anything until I got so pissed off at the bathroom tonight.

Last year it was the driveway. Now the bathroom, and lack thereof. (we really need to add a second one) So Im grumbly and my gears are turning.

Cry me a river. Right? Im just a hormonal stressed loony tonight. I almost cant stand myself. My thoughts are driving me crazy. Its that time.

Anyhow, pictures!

My mom brought Taylor back a Snow White play set that came with all 7 dorks. Hehehe! It was lots of fun tonight!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Photog bit.


So heres the deal. I run a small photography business. Its one I'm in love with.

I havent started a blog for it yet, maybe I will soon.
I have a facebook fan page. Search Leigha Jane Photography if you'd like.

Im on my 3rd camera since I started 5 years ago. Im in love. Ive learned so much, grown so much and gotten better and better, with years of practice of course.

I love my website, I put alot of time and effort into it because I feel like my web presence is probably the most important tool. I havent printed business cards, I havent handed them out, I havent advertised in any way. When I meet people and they ask what I do, Im a stay at home mom. (because I am) I never want to boast or be like "look at me" ever. I love business when it comes to me. But thats it. When it comes to me.

Every year, summer it seems, I get calls from random people. Friends of friends, of cousins who've heard. Just word of mouth. Its the only thing that powers my business. And Im good with that. I dont charge a session fee. I probably should....

But theres underlying reasons to all of this. I love what I do, the photography bit started because of my kids, because really I'm about my kids, so photography falls after everything else. My business is not my priority, so I dont push it, for time reasons, and because Im too busy being a mom and wife than trying to set up displays and push myself.

A huge issue I have is that everyone and their brother is a "photographer"

The store front studio is a dying breed. No one does that. No one wants that. Everything is so "lifestyle" photography right now... and anyone can pick up a digital camera and do it. Find some cheap photoediting software and its a done deal. Picnik can make about anything look good! Everyone starts up little facebook fan pages for their little home businesses. Everyone has the same story. "to capture those little moments" to "create timeless images for you to always remember" Everyone was inspired by their children, their children drove them to their newfound passion for photography. Its the same. Seriously. Every "about me" thats all I ever see.

A few weeks ago a person on facebook posted a status update that they were sick of every person out there who owns a $1200 camera claiming to be a photographer, and calling themselves photographers was bad because it tainted the name for ReAL photographers. Another "photographer person" commented something like, "well said!" or "amen" I cant remember, it was just like praising the status.

I read it and agreed. Because its true to an extent. Some stuff you can just look at and its like "wow. Do people pay you?" and others is amazing. You cant quite put words on it, but you definitely know it when you see it.

Anyhow. After agreeing in my mind... I thought maybe this was me? Maybe they were referring to people like me? So I commented something like; "this hurts my feelings. Who are you referring to?" and guess what. No response. Ever. I was the last comment on that status and life went on. I clicked my own photography fan page and noticed that person was not my fan, and neither was anyone else from that "circle."

 I read the other persons comment, and though they too have a "business" Im not crazy about that persons work. I look at some of the stuff, and its not something I would do... but I try not to judge. Try not to say its "bad" because it belongs to that person. Its their view, their take, their stuff. We're not all the same. And I do things differently and thats okay.

I was hurt. I was mad. But it really made me think. Alot.

I told my husband.

It was so stupid. Like fans on my facebook page, is that really what important to me? Am I going to be that upset, angry and hurt over people not liking my page? How stupid is that? So stupid.

I know for CERTAIN when I finally had the COURAGE to start my fan page which was just this spring, I sent a "suggest page" request to the other photog. I was a fan of their page, thought it would be cool to invite them to my page, we could be friends, blah blah.

Even that person wasnt a fan. Which means the page suggestion was declined.

The whole group of people is fans of THAT page.

And why?

Why that one and not mine?

Now that Im so pissed off about it I can bodly say I think my stuff is ALOT better.

I got rid of the other photog as a friend and de-fanned the fan page. Because Im a child and thats just what my emotions led me to do.

But Im just the girl who says "Im a photographer," but really Im a phony with a "$1200" camera.

I dont want to be that girl. I dont want to be the one whose work get looked at that way.

Which is why I dont often say those words. "Im a photographer." I say, my name is Leigha. Im a stay at home mom, I run a small photography business on the side.

When it comes to my photography I do have a low self esteem. I love what I do, I do it for myself, and for the people who call on me asking me to do it for them, but I dont pUsH myself out there, because I dont want to be the chick with a $1200 camera whose out there faking it.

And my images are seriously ME. Like I POUR myself into them. I cant put them out there for ridicule because I am so deeply attached to them, that it hurts me. It hurts my spiritual being.

I do it more for myself than I do for the money. I do.

Taking pictures for someone and having them LOVE them is more a "feather in my hat" than it is money. My website says nothing about cds. I only sell prints, but you know... most every client Ive ever had gets a cd. They cant afford to buy all of them, and I cant stand a mother not having ALL of the pictures of the child. So after the place a sizeable order, I crack and give the cd. Its just who I am.

But I often feel like the girl who thinks shes great whose work really sucks. Or who really is just the same as everyone else.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh... and in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness~

And the ergo is mine!

Wrapping up another weekend.

It was very nice. Hubby and I got to go out last night without kiddos. It was much needed, completely overdue, and much appreciated. Seriously. It was literally the 3rd time this calendar year... and one of the times we got called home early because the little one was screaming. So yeah. I say this, not because Im cranky about it, not because Im proud of it, but just to emphasize how this was suuuuch a novelty.

He and I, we don't get to be "us" like that very often.

Friday afternoon my oldest daughter got new carpet in her room!! :) As you can imagine the house was tore up. All of the contents of her bedroom were all over the livingroom. It was chaos. I was determined to have it back to perfect before bed that night. So after the carpet was done, I went out and splurged...

I broke down and got the highly praised Ergo.

I chose the seagreen/silver one. And I am in LOVE! Its part of their organic collection, the material is so soft. I tried on a standard one, a performance one and then this one. Just touching it to my skin I was sold.

Ive been a huge babywearer. I have a couple different ring slings Ive used, I love the moby wrap, but this one is amazing. I still will use the moby from time to time I think. Its phenomenal. Its harder now that C is so big though. I get achy after using it for extended periods of time. It was never an issue before, but her growth and added weight has made it more difficult for us.

Since summer I have not been wearing her nearly as much. First there was the moby inconveniences mentioned about, but also she learned to walk, so it was more exploration time than pouch time.  Anyhow I wanted it NOW so that I could keep charging forward in getting the newly carpeted room back in order. It was a lot easier being able to "hold" her the entire time I was getting stuff done.

Over the past couple weeks I have been talking to my chiropractor about the baby-wearing options. (Im in there 2 times a week) This was what he concluded, and I see why! For me and for her.

This has been probably the highlight of the weekend, besides my Saturday night out on the town!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I want.

I recently had some pictures done on gatorboard. Ive got them hanging in my livingroom. They do look fantastic, so Im still content with them, but I really can't get over this. Im going to have to crack and get something done on this acrylic just to have it. Its incredible.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pediatrician Drama

Recently I have been faced with a situation. A situation with my children's pediatrician, its something I didnt know was going to be so difficult. Ive seen over a dozen doctors in my life. Many of which I've only ever seen one time. It wasnt until recently after the birth of my second daughter that I can say I've built that "patient doctor" relationship. So its never been a big deal, its something Ive never given any thought. We have a doctor, we go and thats about it.

It worked that way until my doctor really started to step on my toes.

For purposes of today's blog, I will call her "Dr. Need to Retire,: (abrv: Dr. NtR).

In 1999 my littlest brother was born prematurely. He faced a lot of risks and complications during his first week of life. Alot of his complications I think were originally overlooked or made light of because he was an 8lb 10oz preemie. About a month early. His size made him look hearty and healthy, not to mention awfully pudgy and cute. His newborn face was precious. And though I've had my own children, I do have to say the feelings that just consume you at the sight of such a face were quite the same, between him and my 2 daughters. I was older when he was born, so plenty old enough. I witnessed the birth, I was crazily in love and obsessed with him. His tiny little toes, his wrinkled little skin. He was heaven.

Anyhow, his pediatrican, Dr. NtR was a very nice lady. She cared for him in such a loving and delicate way. She stayed in the nursery gazing at him for long periods of time, she tested things, treated things, monitored him so closely. The pediatrician wasn't present immediately at the birth, and no one was aware there was a problem until a few hours later when the situation had already become an emergency. Dr. NtR was excellent. She was quick. Fast acting, on top of it, put our minds at ease. He had a purple pigment to his skin, we were told the color was due to bruising after being "stuck" in the birth canal for so long. His delivery was long and hard. So it was easy to believe. Hours after passing him around, kissing him, staring at him, it was discovered his discoloration was due to lack of oxygen because he had underdeveloped lungs. Looking back now, considering he was early it seems that would have been checked right away. Again, an 8lb 10 oz baby with a strong voice, it was completely overlooked.

Anyhow. I was amazed at the pediatrician after he was under her car. I loved her.

In 2005, 6 years after I begged to get my oldest daughter in to her. She wasnt accepting new patients at the time. I had to beg. And wait to be called back. I had to tell them WHY I wanted HER and no one else. It was a hub bub, but it worked and I was so happy. She was able to decipher a heart murmer in my oldest child right away. Not a big deal, and she outgrew it, but it was there and no other doctor had ever mentioned it to me before. My admiration for her was validated at that point.

The years went on, she moved her office into a collaborative office with other doctors. It worked well. It wasnt as cozy as her independent office was, but we continued. At 1 year old my daughter was due for her vaccines. One of which was quite new at the time. (another blog for another day, but Im on the fence about those vax's BIG time) There were 2 I didnt want her to have. I said no. They went on telling me why it was recommended, and all about the CDC. I understood they were doing their job, I still said no. I went to my county health department, watched a horribly biased movie basically telling me my child would die if I didnt choose these vaccines. I still said no. I signed the waiver saying no to get the state off our butts. I had to bring the papers into the threeschool as well as the preschool programs I had her in. At her 18 month appt, her 2 year, her 3 year and lots of times in between I said "no" signed a "parent refused" line each time.

Early summer of 2009.
Pregnant with #2 and my water breaks. Had a 4 year well child scheduled that day for the older one. I couldnt be there. I was home, laying on the airbed gushing amniotic fluid. Hanging out. Waiting for baby. My husband didn't go to work because of the fluid rupture, so since nothing was happening and labor wasnt progressing he went to the appointment with the 4 year old. I warned them both, there would be 3 shots. Boosters to ones she'd already had. We talked about it, everyone was prepared.

They came home, my child was a wreck, in tears, so upset about it all that she could  hardly talk. And as I was consoling her my husband mentions there were FIVE vaccines administered that day. Which is really like 12 probably because so many of them are like 3 in one. So the MMR is one needle, but thats THREE things! Anyhow.  I was sooo MAD. 5? I said 3! He hands me the paper and sure enough, there were the 2 that I had been refusing for 3 years.

Thanks a lot Dr. NtR. Thank you for pumping venemous poison into the veins of my innocent 4 year old. I seriously could have marched in there like a raging mama bear... and I would have... but remember number 2 was slowly making her way. So I couldn't. I did nothing but comforted and dried the tears of the other. And in my mind it was just brewing. The whole time.

Later that evening child 2 is born. Same Dr. NtR comes and tends to her. I didnt say anything about the other girl at the time. I made sure that the oh so required and overrated hep B shot would not be given though. I wasnt having my newborn immunized. No way no how. My wishes were honored and on went life.

 A few appoinments later when my baby was around 4 months I finally had the courage to speak. I explained how deeply upset I was. I cried. Dr. NtR apologized, but seriously, what the hell good is an apology. Its not like they can suck it back out. Its not like they can "adjust my bill" and fix it. Theres nothing. This is my child.

I felt slightly better after I spoke to her. Not because it was all good and I trusted her again, but because it I finally got to tell her how I felt. It never got perfect again. She took advantage of my husband. She knew I didnt want them. She never told him what was what. (he didnt ask) but she presented it to him in a way that was like "Well, shes due for 5 shots today" and hes like "5, wow. Okay" and on it went. A good Dr. would have said. "Shes due for 5, but I see you've been continuously declining these 2, would you like to go ahead with them today?" In which case he should have said "No" and he would have. But hes a guy. He doesnt do dr. visits. I do. 

I was so mad. I am so mad.

So it goes on. I brought the baby in there monthly for ear infections it seemed. She never communicated openly to me. She'd look at the ears and say "hmmm" and then look at the other, then go sit at the computer, and Id be like "What?" or "Do her ears look bad?" And she'd say "Yeah, theyre both infected" or something, but just would never talk to me as she was doing things. Our relationship was broken.

I refused the rotovirus vaccine for the baby. Its oral, suppose to be better than a poke. But guess what guys, its not. Worse in fact. And no one is poisoning my kid's body with it. No one. Of course Dr. NtR was very displeased at this. She spoke down to me, like I was making a completely ignorant and uneducated decision. Like I wanted for my brand new baby to get the rotovirus. That must be my wish because I chose not to use a vaccine to protect her from it. What kind of mother am I? Wanting that for my baby? Wow. How about, "Shut up Dr. NtR I choose BREASTMILK to protect my child. Natual immunity!"

In July we went camping. I cloth diaper. While we were camping the little one developed a blistery rash in her diaper region. I blamed the disposable diapers at first. I treated it with creams, lotions, potions and powders. For about 3 or 4 weeks. It didnt get better. The end of July I bring her in. Dr. NtR does a culture. Cant prescribe anything til the culture comes back. Culture comes back. Negative. So I went and bought an antiseptic gel to use, thought maybe I just needed to keep it cleaner. I called the office and left them a message. I spelled it out. Listed the percentages of the active ingredients and everything. I wanted the Dr. to know. It started to get better, I was relieved.

By mid August it had not improved or gone away. Not worsened either, but was still there. I called again. Dr. NtR calls in a prescription of an anti-fungal. Like if it were a yeast infection or something and then tells me a new cream to try. I buy it, and use it, it does nothing. During this conversation she never says anything about my antiseptic gel I told the office I was using.

September and its STILL an issue and now baby has fever. Fever and blistery bottom. I cant take it. I bring her in along with a pocket full of tubes of this and of that. I lay them out for Dr. NtR. She looks over them. Looks at the one and her eyebrows raise, she hands it to her intern who says "wow" and hands it back. She then looks at it again, with disgust, and at me and says "I cant believe you were able to buy this over the counter." My respsonse was something like, "Well, I did. I'm sorry?" She goes on, I shouldnt be using this, not on a person of that age, a baby, definitely not on the genitals and she says "I wouldnt even use this on myself" At first I was just like "okay, I wont use it anymore" There was silence from her, and me trying to soothe the baby. Shes pounding away on her computer, entering what a rotten mother I am now for using this awful cream that I should have a prescription to buy. I thought about it, was busy with my SCREAMING little girl and then I mentioned that I didnt know. It wasnt my fault, I was sorry, but pointed out I had called her office, I had told them, spelled it to them and NO ONE ever told me there was a problem. Im not a dr. I dont think she responded to me.

Turns out babe has an ear infection, thus the fever. The blisters on the bottom have to be staph, we need another culture. So she squeezes the life out of my little girls bottom as shes shrieking in pain and is totally terrified of the Dr. NtR as well as the strange unfamiliar face of the intern. Im so worked up, and emotionally frazzled. Dr. says were getting an antibiotic. One I know to be extremely strong. Used to treat things like MRSA. Anyhow.why does my 16 month old child need this? For her blistery bottom that has a staph infection (keep in mind she had just done the culture) I ask, is this antibiotic going to be helpful to her ears. The answer: No probably not. It might inadvertently benefit her ears, but this antibiotic targets and works in a different way. Its aimed at the skin. My expression totally led on to how frustrated I was. Dr. NtR reassures me, those blisters HAVE GOT to be taken care of. They do NOT look good. And they take priority over the ear infection. She points out what the baby really would need is TWO antibiotics, one for the skin, one for the ears, but we cant do that. So right now we have to deal with whats most important. And thats blisters. That have been there. Since July. Not an ear infection. (although the blisters were never a priority before this point and the ear infection is whats causing the child pain)

Dr. grabs her stuff, chart, basket AND my little tube of antiseptic gel. (the one shes amazed I bought over the counter)

She seriously took it.

I bought it! Legally! The FDA has it on the shelf so I can if I choose. I told her I wasnt going to use it on the baby anymore. But Im "rotten mom" the one who wishes rotovirus upon her child, surely she couldnt trust me.

So Im frazzled. I leave. I get the antibiotic. Get her on it right away. I read about it. I cant effing believe she needs to be on something so strong. Those blisters on her bottom must be bacteria to the worst degree because thats the only way.

2 days later, culture is negative.
5 days later, culture is negative.
No bacteria folks.
Immediately I ask about the antibiotics. Should she stop taking them and get us something for the ears. Nope. Shes already been on it for a week, just keep it up, it will help the ears.

?? I was told it wouldnt?!?!?

This was my last appointment. We went to the dermatologist, the problem is NOT bacterial. It never was. Her ears are now better.

I called the office, told them I wanted to see the other ped. because my baby couldnt stand Dr. NtR. Its true, but of course was only part of the truth. The office manager gave me a crash course on child development. Its normal for 16 month tots to SCREAM their heads off at the office. When little people are stressed they respond in the only way they know how. Yes I get that. But its not normal for MY 16 month old.  She wasnt taking my excuse, so I explained I just wasnt comfortable with that Dr NtR anymore, I wanted the other one.

She called me back later and told me the other doctor was uncomfortable seeing me and that I needed to switch offices if I didnt want to keep Dr. NtR. My conversation with her was awful. I wanted to be sure she only expressed it was because my child was scared. If she would have I would have been able to see the other Dr. without a problem. We had seen her before when ours hasnt had openings. After she told me the Dr said no I was crying and said "If you would have told her it was becasue the baby was scared, how would/could she have said no!?" I got cut off, snapped at, and heard back. "How do YOU know what I said to Dr. L?" It was the harshest tone. It was awful. She then went on to tell me its not my call. Dr. L can be uncomfortable if she wants to be, thats 'her call to make'

I felt so defeated...

And now Im on the hunt for a new Dr. This has seriously left me so overwhelmed and lifeless.

Forgive typos and incomplete thoughts. This was my rant.

So Ive figured out the problem.

Now the solution.

My blog problem is this: who is my audience?

I loved the interaction with people on my other page. Ive met some really cool people that way and Id like to keep on with that. No one blogs anymore. So Im not meeting anyone. I have family out of state, they liked to pop in and read the happenings. So am I doing this for "friends" or family? Or real life people or just cyber people?

I have to kind of figure out which direction to go. I dont want this to be a place where I come and trash talk the world, but its mine and I want to speak freely.

So now its deciding. For what purpose is this?