
Saturday, October 30, 2010

A moment of silence...

So Im done.

I shut down the other blog. Shut down. Down. Down.

No one can get to it. Not even me.

Im almost teary about it....

What the heck for? Right?

And with this blog... is there anyway to delete a post? Or "unpublish" it so that I can still have it even though it isnt public? And how about archiving it??

This one will be made known to people in no time.

Ive looked through my traffic and linking urls and it looks like someone did a search for my family's names. "T, C, A, L" all spelled out.

Well whoever you are, welcome. Thank you for seeking me out via search engine instead of just asking me.

Mind shooting me an email? If it was "you" I guess you could tell me so & I woulnt have to be creeped out.....


  1. Thank you for bringing me along for the ride!!! I'll keep up with mine this time. :)

  2. That must be a weird feeling, almost like leaving something behind that you love, at least thats how I would feel!! But it will be good here too!! Cheers for your NEW beginning!!!!

  3. I so can't figure this blog out yet.... I get on to one thing and change is hard for me :O)
    Where do I send a message to you from????
    I posted two more cases, you may like them better? I don't have an iron, so they need washed and dried to take out the wrinkles... Sorry~
    They are lined inside with fleece, so I think your phone will sleep WELL :O)
    I'm not sure if the snaps are in the right place as far as how wide it is. Or if they are big enough? I totally just wung it ;O)
    I need your address so I can send the one or two you like~ You can just have them, they don't take much fabric, so it's on me~ to u from me.
    Then you can use them and let me know what needs changed. I've been asked if I'll be selling them, so who knows maybe I can :O) They are fun for a change!!! Kim
